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Monday, 21 May 2018

Victoria Day

This weekend is the unofficial start of summer in the Great White North, celebrated with a long weekend and fireworks, and the opening of cottages. Barbeques, fishing, weekends at the cottage, and the dog days of summer are upon us. I remember getting especially antsy this time of year when I was a youngster. The days in class seemed to get especially slower and drag as we started to approach the summer holidays. I just couldn't wait for school to finish so that I could hop on my bike for day long rides, or long, long games of street hockey, soccer, and baseball, not having to come in until the streetlights came on, or if my parents were inclined to sit on the porch and enjoy the evening, when they went in.
As a child, in preparation for the summer break, on the Victoria Day long weekend I would bring the bike up from the basement, where it was stored in the winter, take out the hose and a bucket with soap and water, wash it from stem to stern, adjust the brakes, pump up the tires, tighten the seat, and my final act was to grab a can of oil from my dad and thoroughly oil the chain. Wonderful memories and days! To those north of the 49th parallel I hope you have a wonderful and safe May two-four weekend.


  1. Read about your blog today. Great start, stick in and you are sure to get a trail of followers. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your first painted regiments.
    What make of figures are you using?

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I am using a variety of miniatures, but my core units are all RSM95 Austro-Hungarians (Hungarian Infantry). I will start putting up pics in the next few days. Not very high quality ones, but hopefully they will show something.

  2. visited and started catching up with the back posts. Good start and echo the requests for photos. Ken

  3. I look forward to following your blog on a regular basis.


    1. Thanks again Jim! I'll start getting stuff up here on a more regular basis.
